Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Heard of people having some sort of "pendamping"? Some people might say its syirik or kurafat.Well, theres a fine line about it.

Some people search for places or gurus to acquire these pendampings while some people inherit it through hereditary means.As you should know, jinns n syaitans do exists and we cant see them.Souls or rohs cant be seen either(certain individuals can though).Some pendampings can be jinns, but some are souls of the long dead too.I know its somethin quite complicated or quite difficult to digest by the normal mind that one can befriend these unseen beings.Oftentimes, these beings are there to help the individuals..but others choose to use their help to perform evil deeds.God forgive them.Then comes the issue of syirik.If he or she belief in that thing entirely instead of God, obviously he becomes syirik becoz he belief in seeking something other than Him.Never use "perantaraan" to ask for help.e.g., by askin that thing for something instead of asking God Himself.However,as i belief, you can ask that thing(provided he is not an evil one)for help BUT with the will of God(dgn izinNya).

So you see, despicable human beings can send "barangs" to their target, and to do that they use these unseen things, usually jinns.Or they could want to know more about you, and all they need is too task these jinns to follow and find out more about u or what are u doing.Scarry right? Something following you and observing what you are doing.

The best option is, well not to have any of these.Lets say some souls of individuals who lived generations before you e.g. Puteri Gunung Ledang or Some Hulubalang Malacca reveals themselves to you, befriending you.Yes it may benefit you alot but these things comes with a price, for e.g. you hafta be clean at all times or cant do these or that or even somethin greater.Kinda like spiderman.With great power comes great responsibility.Everything comes with a price whether you know it or not

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