Thursday, July 5, 2007

Teeng Teengg Tiiiingggg

"Sorry for the interruption, this is a "lailing" warning.Please stay indoors.Do not stay out in the open and stay in the school building.Thank you"

There i was laughin with my IT department colleagues.Kepala Hotak..Its LIGHTNING goddamnit.So it seems theres a lot of lightning attacks in Bukit Batok it? When the announcement was heard thru the school's PA system i could still see that the sky is clear.After abt 10-15 mins, it got dark.Fair enough.We have a pelat-but-able-to-pledict-the-weather announcer.

Everyone in my department got to play with new palmtops from Asus and HP.We are suppose to test and use it b4 proceeding with the proposal.How cool.This sudden urge to own one.

So coo!Hey i very cooor ley !No pobrem!

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