Wednesday, April 18, 2007


One passion in life dat i have some of u know...silat.No doubt i started late in life...only abt 17,18 liddat,i dreamt of being a silat exponent ever since i was like a boy.Friends and cousins alike knows that when we were together playin,we have playfights of what? silat of course.There are hundreds of silat schools(perguruan) in singapore alone.Roughly only less than a hundred are registered under the PERSISI(singapore silat federation).Different perguruans have different styles of combat,practices and grading system.Those registered ones get to actually train in RCs or CCs...but unregistered ones...well...they practice illegally at home.

I have personally encountered eerie,mysterious,unexplanied,mind boggling experiences...heard of it as much too.Skeptics ask me....what is silat? i would like to explain that it is a way of LIFE...not just an art of malay self defence..silat goes beyond dat.Mind,spirit,soul and physique(is dat how u spell it?) alike, everythin should be able to be taught by ur guru.Then comes the question of batin.If ur opponent in battle is skilled in batin and ure practically inept,ur challenge might just be futile.
I shld let u know that,not all gurus will teach u the proper batin,meaning they might teach u somethin syirik(beliefs anythin else other than god).They might go astray,just like some ustaz do mind u.Its somethin only YOU can decide when u wanna immerse urself in ilmu kebatinan.Should u have the proper basis of religion,you should be able to differentiate bet right n please leave once u find any instances of syirikness.Easier said than done i know,coz humans have a tendency to be awed by things of the unknown,or things out of the ordinary.

One example i might wanna share is tis.Some guru gives u a bottle of jampi water.Drink it.Say ur prayers.and u WILL PASS UR DRIVIN TEST.....So is this against the religion?.Now another instance..the same guru gives u a perfume...he says..wear it to the test...and INSYALLAH U WILL PASS UR DRIVIN bout tis one then? which one is wrong?
Already have ur verdict?

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