Monday, April 16, 2007


Just what the heck is antioxidants?

For those who dont have a clue...Ever seen an apple when sliced and left unattended turns brown..and also metals rust? this is the oxidation process.Oxidation slowly damage the cells n tissues in our bodies.

Now in our bodies ,there are molecules or charged atoms called free radicals,where it will roam around the body,stealing or donatin electrons from cells, and causing damage to the cells at the same time.Our bodies do have the antioxidant defense system,but we can add to it,thus theoretically makin it stronger.Antioxidants acts by neutralizing these free radicals,sources like Vit C,E and beta carotene.
Do you also know that free radicals arise not only from our body.but also outside...its caused by things like the sun,x-ray,smokin, its quite diff to avoid it...quite impossible actually.

Now somethin to ponder,Swallowin those antioxidant pills may not neccessarilly make u look younger or slow the aging effects,infact, it may not be good after all if taken in large doses.Studies have shown dat extra doses of antioxidants make actually have a toxic effect to the body,causin the body to be sick,developin health problems.Logically tho, u shld only take small doses...go figure.

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