Friday, April 27, 2007

Check this out

Came across this video.Its a Saudi Arabian player who died in the middle of a soccer match.He was as if being pulled from the head or back.Eerie.Some debate that these are seizures and has scientific reasoning.Others says its unlikely for you to perform back flips during seizures or fits.Reminds you of Miklos Feher the Benfica player and Marc Vivien Foe who also died on the pitch

Only He can answer huh.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Meraming Selamattt

Its a disease.You become to take things for granted.You thought you become powerful.You then think youre becumin invincible.You manage to get away with it initially.You liked it the first time.You begin to do it all the time...and you dont want it to stop.

I am always late for work.Godamnit.Like Sam Rockette says.It IS a disease.Well..use to lah.Today was late again.Or was it becoz i was ready to deliver the excuse dat it was rainin.Indeed it was.Thank god it did.Coz i stayed up late for the Champions Cup Semis.Even though i dont fancy those teams,i reckon it was good to get some idea on which team will go thru to meet Man U.Or at least thats wat i would wanna see.
During the first few mths i was always on time when comin to werk.Mths already know wat started to happen.Well nowadays i am not as late.Most of the times when i was i didnt really get caught.Skarang nak kena jaga pantat beb.After couple of weeks of good record, today i was late...rainin lah!.Speakin of which,some days it was so freakin hot whilst somedays it rained.Other days it'll be so hot and soon after it will start to rain.So unpredictable..ermm...come to think of it...its not really....heck! its either Rain or Shine here in S'pore!Choose one!
As a rider i choose shine anyday...Thanks ibu for the Lamb Chops and Fish n Chips i was eatin it she was watchin Pangako Sa Yo.....Mabuhayyy~!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Why we cant eat pork

Ever had non-moslems coming to you and ask why in the world u moslems cant eat pork? For those of you who dunno,read up, understand and start explainin them.

Now we all know how a pig behaves,how lazy it is,filthy it is,how it shares its mate with other males..but what im gonna discuss here is more from the health aspects of it.First of all,its written in the quran that we can only eat pork if we were forced,or if there are no other animals in the world...but only in small quantities.Eating pork is harmful to our health in alot of ways.Even if the farm or the rearing place of the pig is clean,the pig itself is a very filthy animal,not clean in nature, that it plays with or even eat its own shit.Becoz of this and the very biological stucture of the pig, the body produce higher levels or antibodies and growth hormones when compared to other animals or human beings.It is thus collected in the muscle tissues.It also high in cholestrol.All these factors contribute to a serious threat to our health.

Tests conducted in the US and Germany where the eatin of pork is relatively high,shows that individuals fed with growth hormones n cholesterol after a result of a pork diet developed excessive weight problems.

The harmful effects of eatin pork are written in the holy book 1400 years ago..only quite recently did science went the extra length to find out the harmfull effects of eatin pork.

There you go.

Friday, April 20, 2007

People's Dislikes

When you read one's profile or things he likes or dislikes,do you always notice the same?- eg:

Dislikes: Hypocrites,Liars,Backstabbers,Two headed Snakes....
yada yada yada....bla bla bla...

EVERYONE has the SAME dislikes!wtf? then where in the world are the people they are talkin about? they cant simply be here on earth coz everyone DISLIKES these kinda people!SHOOT! there are certain individuals who go on and on declarin they hate these kinda peeps,be in on their freakin frenster account or myspace or their MSN fact they keep changin their MSN online messages from one dislike to another!.."Humans cant see others be happy" or "Human beings are the best pretenders" and such...oh please carlito!get a LIFE.

Well one things for sure...human beings are experts in identifying anothers flaws....that they dont see theirs....heck im no angel either...reason why im shoutin is im sick and tired of seein and readin these kinda crap.Just shut up and deal with it.Things like this exist mega centuries ago during the time of the sons of Adam.Stop declarin at every nook n cranny.You are no Ana from "Hikmah" where mishaps befall u one after another...You're no freakin angel.Try askin them what their problem is, and they will tell u everythin the other party did...and none of theirs...reminds me of the friday sermon today...not to quickly judge upon hearin a party's clear to hear from the other...

Can u feel that? hey i feel lighter already!.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Latest Traffic Points

Got this email.Verryy Scarryyy

Be careful on the the road. It's not cheap. Price increase without further notice.
Exceeding 1 - 20km/h = $130 + 4 demerit points.
Exceeding 21 - 30km/h = $150 + 6 demerit points.
Exceeding 31 - 40km/h = $180 + 8 demerit points.
Exceeding 41 - 50km/h = >$200 + 12 demerit points + Court.
Exceeding 51 - 60km/h = >$200 + 18 demerit points + Court.
Exceeding >61km/h = >$200 + 24 demerit points + Court.
If you want to be hero and fight the court case yourself, and you lose, you pay the court charges yourself, which will add up to your fine. I guess the court charges is at least $200 and above.

Careless driving = $150 + 6 demerit Points.
Inconsiderate Driving = $170 + 9 Demerit Points + Court.
Dangerous Driving = >$200 + 24 Demerit Points + Court + Vehicle Compounded.
Illegal Racing = >$200 + Vehicle Confiscate + Court.
Fail to put Seat Belt = $120 + 3 demerit points.
Crossing Double White lines = $130 + 4 points.
Phone and Drive = $200 + 12 demerit point + Phone Confiscate.
Do not hold your hp in your hand when you drive even with loud speaker or ear piece.

Drink Driving For first offence. = Up to $5000 Fine And, or jail Term+ License Suspended + Court.
2nd time offence = Jail term + Fine + Court.
Making an illegal U Turn when there ' s no U Turn sign = $70.
Fail to Signal when changing lanes = $70.
Driving at night without headlights or taillights switch on after 7pm = $30.
No Number Plate = $70. Obstructed Number Plate = $70.
Obscured Number Plate = $70.
Number Plate Of Unapproved Type = $70.

As for Demerit Point system: Let ' s say you have 0 points on 1st January 2005, and you committed the offence of Failing to Put on Seat Belt. So now, you will have 3 demerit points and this will last for 1 Year. If during this 1 year you have no demerit points offence at all, your 3 demerit points will be gone on 1/1/2006. But, if during this one year, From 1/1/2005 - 1/1/2006, you committed another offence with demerit points, your very first offence will be extended for another year until 1/1/2007. Drive well - and save money :-)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


One passion in life dat i have some of u know...silat.No doubt i started late in life...only abt 17,18 liddat,i dreamt of being a silat exponent ever since i was like a boy.Friends and cousins alike knows that when we were together playin,we have playfights of what? silat of course.There are hundreds of silat schools(perguruan) in singapore alone.Roughly only less than a hundred are registered under the PERSISI(singapore silat federation).Different perguruans have different styles of combat,practices and grading system.Those registered ones get to actually train in RCs or CCs...but unregistered ones...well...they practice illegally at home.

I have personally encountered eerie,mysterious,unexplanied,mind boggling experiences...heard of it as much too.Skeptics ask me....what is silat? i would like to explain that it is a way of LIFE...not just an art of malay self defence..silat goes beyond dat.Mind,spirit,soul and physique(is dat how u spell it?) alike, everythin should be able to be taught by ur guru.Then comes the question of batin.If ur opponent in battle is skilled in batin and ure practically inept,ur challenge might just be futile.
I shld let u know that,not all gurus will teach u the proper batin,meaning they might teach u somethin syirik(beliefs anythin else other than god).They might go astray,just like some ustaz do mind u.Its somethin only YOU can decide when u wanna immerse urself in ilmu kebatinan.Should u have the proper basis of religion,you should be able to differentiate bet right n please leave once u find any instances of syirikness.Easier said than done i know,coz humans have a tendency to be awed by things of the unknown,or things out of the ordinary.

One example i might wanna share is tis.Some guru gives u a bottle of jampi water.Drink it.Say ur prayers.and u WILL PASS UR DRIVIN TEST.....So is this against the religion?.Now another instance..the same guru gives u a perfume...he says..wear it to the test...and INSYALLAH U WILL PASS UR DRIVIN bout tis one then? which one is wrong?
Already have ur verdict?

Monday, April 16, 2007


Just what the heck is antioxidants?

For those who dont have a clue...Ever seen an apple when sliced and left unattended turns brown..and also metals rust? this is the oxidation process.Oxidation slowly damage the cells n tissues in our bodies.

Now in our bodies ,there are molecules or charged atoms called free radicals,where it will roam around the body,stealing or donatin electrons from cells, and causing damage to the cells at the same time.Our bodies do have the antioxidant defense system,but we can add to it,thus theoretically makin it stronger.Antioxidants acts by neutralizing these free radicals,sources like Vit C,E and beta carotene.
Do you also know that free radicals arise not only from our body.but also outside...its caused by things like the sun,x-ray,smokin, its quite diff to avoid it...quite impossible actually.

Now somethin to ponder,Swallowin those antioxidant pills may not neccessarilly make u look younger or slow the aging effects,infact, it may not be good after all if taken in large doses.Studies have shown dat extra doses of antioxidants make actually have a toxic effect to the body,causin the body to be sick,developin health problems.Logically tho, u shld only take small doses...go figure.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Knowin Islam

There are many tarikats or rather branches in Islam.Locally, there are over 70 recorded tarikats. Worldwide, the more common ones u heard are the Shiites,Sufi and the most common Sunni group.They can be found all over the world,but more commonly known, shiites are mainly found in Middle East;Lebanon,Iraq,Syria,Turkey and mostly in Iran.Sufis are a lil lesser known but could be found from Indonesia to Senegal.There are also lesser known sects in the world which i will not mention here.

The Sunnis are the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jammah,which is the only denomination that is right,adhering to the rules( beliefs,practices and laws by Islam) spread by the prophet Muhammad,his sunnah and the Holy Quran.We (notice the word we) recognize four major mazhabs; Hambali,Hanafi,Maliki and Shafi'e.

The Shiites appeared soon after the appointment of 1st caliph of Islam(Abu Bakar) after the death of Prophet Muhammad.They disagreed with this as they belief only the bloodline of the prophet, which at the only time is his daughter Fatimah and her husband Ali(or the people of the prophet's hse),to be the best source of knowledge of Quran and Islam and only their bloodline can continue the caliphate.

I know lesser of Sufism but based on a debated article in Wikipedia, Sufism is:
Sufism is a mystic tradition that found a home in Islam and encompasses a diverse range of beliefs and practices dedicated to Allah, divine love and the cultivation of the heart.
"Sufism" has been defined as a type of knowledge by the great Muslim Sufi masters. Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq, a 14th century Sufi who wrote "The Principles of Sufism" defined Sufism as, "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God.” Ibn 'Ajiba, one of the best known Sufi masters defined Sufism as "a science through which one can know how to travel into the presence of the Divine, purify one’s inward from filth and beautify it with a variety of praiseworthy traits."Sufism is a mystic tradition that found a home in Islam and encompasses a diverse range of beliefs and practices dedicated to Allah, divine love and the cultivation of the heart.
"Sufism" has been defined as a type of knowledge by the great Muslim Sufi masters. Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq, a 14th century Sufi who wrote "The Principles of Sufism" defined Sufism as, "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God.” Ibn 'Ajiba, one of the best known Sufi masters defined Sufism as "a science through which one can know how to travel into the presence of the Divine, purify one’s inward from filth and beautify it with a variety of praiseworthy traits."

Lotsa things can be elaborated,but there aint time or dats is for today.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


i act like im 23 !...some people act like they are younger....yaya only..

End of the World

Apologies for the posting in Malay.Not tryin so much to preach,but to share.

Im not sure ive heard of such Hadith.Got this email.Not sure if its as sahih as hadith such as Bukhari or Muslim n such. But gets you really going. Quote:

a) Mengikut hadith , umat Rasulullah akan hidup selama 1500 tahun...sekarang sudah 1439 =426 + 13 tahun hijrah... daripada ini kita ketahui kita akan bertahan dalam masa 61 tahun lagi.. Jikalau ini benar, bumi akan kiamat pada tahun 2066
b) Saintis telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang lebih kecil daripada bumi yang menghala ke bumi.. Ia telah dianggarkan bahawa planet itu akan melanggar bumi pada tahun 2014. Amerika akan cuba untuk m enukarkan orbitnya dengan menembaknya dengan sebuah roket... Dan saintis juga telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang juga akan menghentam bumi... Ia dianggarkan akan melanggar bumi dalam masa 60 tahun lagi.. Dan planet ini lebih besar daripada bumi... Jikalau ini benar, dunia akan musnah pada tahun 2065....
c) Dan dikatakan kuasa Israel akan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2007... Dan kuasanya akan jatuh semula dalam 14 tahun, iaitu tahun 2022,disebabkan oleh penurunan semula Nabi Isa... . Dan hadith mengatakan bahawa Nabi Isa hanya akan hidup selama 40 tahun dan dunia akan kiamat pada hari Nabi Isa wafat.. Jikalau ini benar dunia akan kiamat pada tahun 2062... Dianggarkan Bumi Akan Kiamat Antara Tahun 2062-2066... . Wallahu'alam. .. Semua ini telah dikaji... Dan yang dipercayai paling tepat ialah hadith yang mengatakan bahawa umat Rasulullah akan bertahan selama 1500 tahun...Kita telah berada di bumi ini selama 1439 tahun... Cubalah anda kirakan sendiri... Beribadatlah wahai umat-umat Islam sekalian... Sampaikanlah mesej ini kepada semua kenalan Islam anda... Semoga saudara-saudari sekalian akan mendapat rahmat ALLAH S.W.T...

From my humble knowledge,when the Mahdi arrives and so does Nabi Isa,the world will prosper where everythin flourish n peaceful...followed by the other signs b4 Qiamat like the dajjal n rise of sun from the west and the darkness n the sickness...

ok till another day.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Big Bang

Its been ages since i posted anythin...kinda forgotton i even have a me boring,but heres an interesting fact.

Do you ever wondered how big the universe is? Let me tell ya somethin....its SUPA HUGE!
For all of you who dont know this.Earth is a part of the Solar System,which consists of 9 planets,the medium size star (aka as the sun),together with a whole countless number of asteroids is located in the Milky Way....u know, the name of our galaxy.

There are billions of stars in the Milky Way and the nearest is called Alpha Centauri,which by the way is located like hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

There are billions of galaxies in the universe.Every big galaxy can have like billions of stars and every small galaxies can have like millions of stars.

Now the furthest planet in our Solar system is Pluto..and to GET there takes you like years and years and years n years..imagine goin to another galaxy..that will take LIGHT YEARS away.

Did i mention dat the universe is expanding at a constantly slow rate? it gets bigger....Now turn the clock back billions of years ago..logically it should start from somethin rite? a small dot perhaps? Imagine the universe being created from a small dot,bursting into somethin..This is what scientists called The Big Bang Theory..we only found out about this like decades ago...

The Holy book tells us about this 1400 years ago...

Want more proof?