Was it a bee? or some creepy crawler, whose flight is at almost the same speed? Avoiding the vehicles on the expressway?. Just my luck.Nevermind.I thought it might have flown somewhere else into oblivion.After few minutes, i felt the same burning itch at my left ribcage.It mustave dropped in my freakin shirt.And AGAIN on my left elbow.Mind u, i shouted as i was riding, hoping to reach my stop soon n avoid any unwanted peril.With my left hand still on the throttle, i crumpled my shirt with the other hand.Macam orang gila.Hoping to kill whatever alienoid that was in my shirt.
Got back. The pain n itch subsided. But theres some swellin and redness at the bite. 1 at the neck and arm, and 3 freakin bites on the left ribcage. A lil like a mosquito bite. It happened before once on my right neck. Am i a mark? is there a conspiracy by the extra terrestrial to target me ? Was the government involved? hehe.

View of my left neck.Not so clear from here though.
I know i know it looked like some love bite but its NOT!
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