Couple of mths ago i came across a documentary at Discovery Channel which intrigues me to the core.Unlike the earth's core which is molten metal lava, this documentary really got me thinkin.Yeah i know they all say the world is gonna end but..u know...it really is!Pardon me but i cant really remember the technical terms used in the doc.
Now, the earth's magnetic energy acts as a shield,deflected harmful cosmic rays and solar winds,which without it,will cause unbalanced atmospheres,weathers and cancer will be widespread.It travels at an outer motion from north pole to the south.Thing is,this shield we have is depleting....fast!.Abt 500 AD,(im just roundin off here),the magnetic strength is double dat of today.From the layers of sediments or cooled molten rock,scientist have found out the field even changed directions. i.e. north can be south-vice versa .Now imagine that! everythin is bonkers.
What would you do if u wake up and see the arrow on ur compass pointin at South or elsewhere for that matter.Dat would really mean the end is near.
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